Read our past newsletters
August 30, 2024
Click on the links below to read our past newsletters from June 2021 to the present. Earlier newsletters can be found in earlier items on the News page.
December 2024, discussing ways to deepen your appreciation of your artworks.
August 2024, featuring four shamans and an environmental protest piece by Billy Nasogaluak.
April 2024, featuring an important mother and child by John Kavik and an ivory composition by Ike Kulowiyi.
December 2023, featuring a dramatic contemporary button blanket by Haida artist Hazel Wilson.
November 2023, featuring two majestic Sednas.
May 2023, featuring a scene from Cape Dorset life by Annie Pootoogook, and an article about deciphering Inuktitut signatures.
December 2022, featuring Ruth Qaulluryuk's Hundreds and Hundreds of Caribou.
November 2022, featuring three prints by Kiakshuk, one by PItseolak Ashoona, one by Sheokjuk Etidlooie, and one by Tudlik, all showing facets of camp life.
August 2022, describing a visit to Qaumajuq, the new building devoted to Inuit Art at the Winnipeg Art Gallery.
June 2022, featuring a spectacular caribou skull-and-antler carving by Manasie Akpaliapik and two early prints of children playing with dogs, by Parr and his wife, Eleeshushe Parr.
April 2022, featuring two more works inspired by the legend of Lumiuk, a massive sculpture by Mattiusie Iyaituk and an early print by Kiakshuk.
December 2021, featuring Pitseolak Ashoona's Festive Bird.
October 2021, featuring a satirical carving attributed to Joanasie Salomonie.
Augut 2021, featuring a dynamic sculpture of a woman jigging for fish by Qavaroak Tunnillie.
June 2021, featuring a great Adamie Ashevak bear and a seminal mother-and-child carving from the early 1950s, attributed to Isa Smiler.
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