Yuungnaqpiallerput: The Way We Genuinely Live
Jul 9 – Aug 31, 2013
Inuit sculptures present a rich view of daily life in the North. No activity is too mundane to be captured in a carving, and even a small group of these "slice of life" sculptures vividly depicts the highs and lows of Arctic life.
Artists from the Arctic Quebec communities favored "slice of life" subjects more than artists from other regions, but you can find examples from a wide range of communities. We are pleased to present an online exhibition of "slice of life" carvings, which range from early works by master artists to contemporary works by emerging artists.
The dramatic changes in the daily life of the Inuit over the last 50 years are epitomized by one pair of carvings: Johanasee Apak's traditional camp view from Clyde River, featuring igloo, dogs, sled, rifle and seals, and Napachie Sharky's 2002 Cape Dorset house, complete with fuel tank. Hunting understandably looms large, from the hardships of the chase to its perils and rewards.
Women's work is well represented, including chewing a kamik (boot) to soften it, cooking, and, somewhat surprisingly, hunting and fishing.